Have you been charged with DUI? Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol charges are unfortunately the one area of the law where people who do not consider themselves ‘criminals’ find themselves facing serious criminal sanctions. We talk to many people who have been charged for their first DUI and they are almost all universally shocked at the consequences that they are now facing.
If you have been charged with a DUI, there are steps you need to take. Immediately. Were you given an Affidavit and Notice of Revocation? Read it, back and front. You have seven (7) days to request a hearing before the Department of Motor Vehicles. Unsure what to do? Call us. Don’t wait.
Is this your first DUI and you live out of town? Does your citation require you to be in court on a date when you are supposed to be back home? Call us because depending on the county you were stopped in, we may be able to appear for you so that you do not have to appear.
Is this your second or third DUI? Sorry, but you are going to have to appear. Colorado mandates monitored sobriety for anyone who has multiple alcohol related driving offenses while your case is being resolved. That means you are going to have to arrange to be randomly tested to ensure you are not drinking.
Depending on your blood alcohol level, the reason you were contacted by law enforcement, your attitude when dealing with law enforcement, your driving history and too many other factors to list, a person convicted of a DUI faces a whole range of different punishments, including:
- A possible jail sentence
- Supervised probation
- Alcohol treatment classes
- Useful pubic service
- Random urinalysis,
- Costs and fines, and
- Other penalties
Another thing that most people do not understand is many times when you are charged with DUI, in addition to facing criminal charges, you may also be facing a civil action by the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles that can lead to the revocation of your privilege to drive for a period of time, and/or orders that you have a breath alcohol ignition interlock device installed in all cars registered in your name.
If you have been cited for DUI Alcohol, you need to consult with an attorney who is well versed in the laws surrounding DUIs. If you have been cited for DUI and have had your driver’s license confiscated by law enforcement, contact our office today.